Is President Trump a Jehovah’s Witness?

Number 47 of the Series

Absolutely not, Jehovah’s Witnesses would not have anything to do with politics, also Witnesses would not enter a war. So he could not conduct himself in anyway that would allow Christians to go to war. The US constitution would not allow anyone, man or woman to take office that would not be able to declare war against the enemies of the USA.

If he became president he would have to resign from office.

However the president was in office during the last election and he was elected by a majority of Americans. If he was reinstated and resigned the electorate could refuse to accept his resignation.

Would that mean they hold another election?

The US constitution allows voter to write in their own nomination. It would only require more than 50% of them to write him in.

Less than that if there were two or three candidates.

If there were two candidates, it is theoretically possible for him to win with one more vote than 1/3 of the electorate.

Even if he refused to accept nomination and refused to enter the White House, he is already elected…

It might be necessary for congress to vote for another Vice president to act as a nominal, stand in to act ex-officially.

Would that be possible unter US constitution. i think it would be a ridiculous situation. It would be absurd but it would match the reflection that I think I have been seeing happen with the nominal Prince of Peace.

The President is the first President that has not had a war in his administration. And there is more, The Witnesses have a booklet describing all the ways that Jesus Christ reflected scriptures that led a great crowd to chase after him to make him their king.

How is anyone going to know that Armageddon is over?

Seriously every eye is going to see Jesus returning, how will they know?

Will he be made of some unusual shiny material or will a voice from heaven be heard saying. “this is the son I always wanted”?

How will Jesus appear in clouds? And who will know?

Beats me. What do you think?

It gets even more ridiculous. Can you think of anything more absurd than Jesus coincidentally applying his sacrifice as the Lamb Of God, indicating the end of people dying?

What if nobody dies any more. How will that affect a President that refuses to take office?


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