
Number 38 of the Series The first-ever postmortem study of a patient vaccinated against COVID-19 has revealed that viral RNA was found in every organ of the patient’s body, meaning that the vaccine is either ineffective or the coronavirus actually spreads faster in vaccinated individuals.

Covid in the time of good weather

Number 44 of the Series Whilst we sit self-isolating in our homes, practising social distancing and streaming our favourite stage-to-screen adaptations, it may come as a comfort to know that the Bard himself went through similar periods of quarantine. Not only that, but some of his greatest work may well have been influenced by his experiences.

Graphene Noname-Particles – Part 2

See how quickly the doctor in blue drops the ball and runs away without conceding. Instead of discussing anything he shouts down the man with the other point of view, offering no argument to the fact that the china supporters only looked at two options and selected only one of them, completely ignoring viable in intrusive remedies; remedies without terrible side effects.