How to spot Fake Weather 1

ShemHam, and Japheth 

Fake weather is based on lies expounded by western Governments. It is now in the hands of Orientals, so beware the race card.

This video is discussing politics, I caution everyone to steer clear of politics. Religion and Politics is designed to radicalise all nations, tribes and tongues. At the same time I advise everyone to beware of being wilfully ignorant. In other words, keep abreast of social conditions including what the current lie is.

The world is divided into two types of people, pastoralists and globalists, they are indistinguishable but basically one likes rural things and the other likes city things. It is hard to tell the difference but you must decide for yourself; would you rather live in a big well run city or in a small well run town.

I emphasise Well Run because, because of politics. Well run towns are rare these days. Well run towns cost money to run properly and badly run towns would rather take that money and give it to the people that run those towns. This is why Kingdoms used to do better than democracies. Democracies are easier to steal. A strong Kingdom is conservative but all the money already belongs to the politicians. Democrats want to share it but only with other Democrats, in order to keep it that way, they need to select stupid people to run the cities. The pastoralists will mind their own businesses as best they can, such Kingdoms are run better or tended to be.

A good example is Newcastle Under Lyme. For one and an half thousand years it prospered selling pottery and making building products out of coal and Lime, locally sourced material. That was OK for its time but progress allowed every town that was set on the margins of hills of limestone where plains of rich soil tends to have iron nearby.

You must work out for yourselves why such places were filled with prosperous religious people and are now filled with derelict ones. If you have ignored the signs, they tend to have a lot of badly constructed, ugly building as well as an history of pretty, well designed ones that have been wantonly destroyed in living memory. As such Newcastle under Lyme is the perfect example.

Another way of considering what Well Run means is that a section of humanity that left the Ark under the command of Noah, divided itself in short order into races that are farmers and races that are politicians. Since it only takes a few politicians to run things, this growth was OK unless there was a war. Wars require fake news, (so does prosperity.)

Beyond that, I can’t say. Work it out for yourself. What would Jesus have you do: Consider all the better philosophers, how many of their ideals are identical to those of Jesus?

The world is divided into Hamites, emperor factions and Semites/Jephthans, suburbanites. Look it all up, the family trees of emperors are well known. Everybody else gets forgotten in 100 years.

Am I right or am I faking you?


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