How to spot fake weather 12

A Situation Report for BoM

This essay is for the inhabitants of Youtube Australia in case they can get hold of reworked Bureau of Meteorology archives. Somehow I doubt it as under the present Australian regime the sons of darkness seem capable of pushing Aursies around in a trailer marked Liberal Aursies Treailiers. As a Pomme foreigner, I am neutral and hoping to be under the command of holy spirit. If the freight fits, carrion.

I would like to return the favour. I think BoM is an excellent site for studying volcanoes and will post a link to show you how to do it soon. Meanwhile here is their site and a preliminary explanation:

This loop shows how the Southern Ocean mixes Anticyclones and Cyclones to make the fabled “Storehouses of Snow for the day of war” certified in the Book of Job.

The doldrum from the Indian Ocean is caught under Australia and pressed into the cycle, off the Ross Ice-Shelf where the precipitate is removed and stored In Jehovah’s warhouse. You can see how the mixture both Deepens and Builds; this is how the volcanoes all build. All of them on Earth. My work is similar to Ken Ring’s so if you don’t like it, leave.

You may care ro learn how to read this and transfer the knowledge to:

Meanwhile, having stopped looking at these things some time ago, I missed these:

MonthDateDayLocal TimeEvent
  Jun 31  Sa 14:16 Last Quarter
Jul 01  Su
Venus: 33.1° E
  01  Su 15:00 Mercury Superior Conj.
  02  Mo 06:24 Saturn Opposition
  02  Mo 08:35 Moon Apogee: 404400 km
  03  Tu 03:51 Moon Ascending Node

And now, I fear it will take some untangling, there is some saving grace that in a few weeks time Jupiter is also in Opposition:

Jul 06  Tu 23:41 Moon Ascending Node
  08  Thu 05:38 Moon-Mercury: 4.1° S
  09  Fr 11:05 Moon North Dec.: 25.6° N
  10  Sa 02:16New Moon
  12  Mo 10:10 Moon-Venus: 3.5° S 11:10 Moon-Mars: 4° S

It will be interesting to compare how these all weigh in and compare them to that fool Philip Plait. The lord is my shepherd and all that.

Jul 13  Tu 14:17Venus-Mars: 0.5° N
17Sa11:11First Quarter
20Tu14:22Moon Descending Node
21We11:30Moon Perigee: 364500 km
  22:21Venus-Regulus: 1.1° N
   22 Th16:12Moon South Dec.: 25.6° S
  24 Sa03:37Full Moon
    17:42Moon-Saturn: 3.9° N
26MoMoon-Jupiter: 4.3° N
28We04:17Delta Aquarid Shower:  = 20
29Th15:09Mars-Regulus: 0.6° N
31Sa14:16Last Quarter
Aug01SuVenus: 33.1° E
15:0Mercury Superior Conj.
02Mo06:24Saturn Opposition
08:35Moon Apogee: 404400 km
03Tu03:51Moon Ascending Node
05Th17:46Moon North Dec.: 25.7° N
08Su14:50New Moon
11We08:00Moon-Venus: 4.4° S
12Thu20:11Perseid Shower:  = 90
15Su16:20First Quarter
16Mo17:04Moon Descending Node
17Tu10:23Moon Perigee: 369100 km
18We23:24Moon South Dec.: 25.8° S
19Th04:03Mercury-Mars: 0.1° N
20Fr00:05Jupiter Opposition
23:19Moon-Saturn: 3.8° N
22Su05:52Moon-Jupiter: 4.1° N
13:02Full Moon
30Mo03:22Moon Apogee: 404100 km
06:13Moon Ascending Node
08:13Last Quarter
Sep01WeVenus: 39.9° E
02Th01:23Moon North Dec.: 25.9° N
04Sa05:07Moon-Beehive: 3.1° S
05Su15:32Venus-Spica: 1.6° N
07Tu01:52New Moon

I thought it might be fake weather, in which case there has been some serious flooding recently. (I have been impotent too long, so, unable to convince anyone I could do this stuff I just shied away.)

Matthew 24:38 For in the days before the flood, people …

For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the box-shaped vessel, Weymouth New Testament At that time, before the Deluge, men…

Just a coincidence that this was the top of the search page.

Or holy spirit?

Here is a video that should help you understand what happened to a lot of property in Florida recently: Bear in mind that you could have had this information a lot sooner, if you had been paying attention but you were too busy…

Am I right?

I wonder if anyone would like to give me odds on this weather having a repetitious pattern this last few days,

…such a pattern as would go unnoticed among the genitalia in Meteorology and so forth.

I really hate Blocks in modern JavaScript. With old fashioned HTML you could just switch to that and post what you wanted. It is time I mover on top Gab TV and post this stuff as videos there…

I really don’t want to get involved in high technology especially as it has been causing us all so much trouble lately. The local idiot running a computer shop on my street corner was telling me that he noticed a lot of his stuff was causing problems but he was content to do the work and return their property at 50 quid a bump. Why would he care to tell them just wait for the spell to end. Plus he would getanother freebie selling Mac\Adde antivirus.

At least I made him put it on the Yoshiba he sold me. Now I don’t dare to put Linux on it. I an’t find anyone in the whole of Stoke on Trent who is adept with freeware. I don’t trust any firm stupid enough to open a buisiness selling Microsoft and realise that they can’t break the Bill Gates Barrier and that goes for all the other people I know, except the woman helping me post this stuff.

I imagine there are very few people on Gab with the confidence to use Linux. Despite them realising that Microsoft is part of the disgusting thing causing desolation or at the very least that they are Gog of Magog and their inclinations telling them to get rid of it and stop working with it.

A long time ago I read of a whistle blower writing as a most trusted useful idiot on MSN complain that they worked on Longhorn and turned out some clean code and presented it to the chain of command where it was bashed up and turned into shit for no discernible reason.

That was when I started really trying to break free from M$FT. I found it next to impossible. We really do live in a network that is designed by blind guides literally. None the less I am confident that Jehovah is in charge of everything we do and if we ask him to help us do it nothing is impossible and he will turn into corruption the work of the corrupt without despoiling the “wine and the oil.”

Now here is the stuff I was seeing on the BoM website:

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  1. The Battle of Milne Bay – The Unknown Turning Point of the Pacific WarThe Battle of Milne Bay – The Unknown Turning Point of the Pacific War

    I would like to return the favour. I think BoM is an excellent site for studying volcanoes and will post a link to show you how to do it soon. Meanwhile here is their site and a preliminary explanation:
    This loop shows how the Southern Ocean mixes Anticyclones and Cyclones to make the fabled “Storehouses of Snow for the day of war” certified in the Book of Job.

    The doldrum from the Indian Ocean is caught under Australia and pressed into the cycle, off the Ross Ice-Shelf where the precipitate is removed and stored In Jehovah’s warhouse. You can see how the mixture both Deepens and Builds; this is how the volcanoes all build. All of them on Earth. My work is similar to Ken Ring’s so if you don’t like it, leave.

    Here is a video that should help you understand what happened to a lot of property in Florida recently: Bear in mind that you could have had thin information a lot sooner, if you had been paying attention but you were too busy eating and drinking and giving and taking in marriage and took no note.


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