
How are you with bicycling systems?

Can you understand how the gearing works?

gearing, gears :

The big wheel in the back and the small wheel in the front of what they call the “Drive” make it easier to pedal uphill .

To go faster downhill you need the opposite system.

How easy is that for you to understand?

I am not brilliant myself, it has to do with not being able to remember left and right. A pattern that both Dyslexics and Dyscalculia syndrome sufferers grow up with. Psychologist would have us believe that it is part of a pattern of learning that has reinforced itself on people like me. His may be the case but I don’t think so. I believe I knew instinctively that school was not for me, even before I ever went to one.

People with this syndrome are thus always pawns of the learning system. Once a psychologist has been taught that we are defective. It is never going to be the trick cyclists that have to break free. Rather we have to live in a perverse world of light and darkness. similar to woke pattern theories. Such as good is evil and black is whites and that people are whatever sex they say they are.

You could say that due to modern Psychology, people like me have never had it so good. Now imagine all the sensible dyslexics and dyscaluliacs being allowed to think for themselves for the first time in the centuries since the invention of the Monitor School System.

Imagine having the freedom to believe in our selves for the first time. Imagine 3, 4 and 5 year olds going to schools or rather, staying at home with teachers who are not trained to aggressively deform their own children mentally.

Imagine a planet gearing up to use such a generation of once unusable duds. How difficult would it be to cheat untrained people like that. For instance how many home students will never be convinced the United Stated of America was cheated out of an election. How many of them are going to believe the news?


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