ASXX Juny 2021 – 100 to 1000

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Follow the hollow into tomorrow. Isn’t the snake oil easy to swallow?

asxx21060100 (1 of 1200)

June the first began with a huge High over Bermuda called the Azores High.

asxx21060200 (5 of 1200)

Remarkably stable, no?

Where did it come from, where will it go, Ain’t you glad you have weather lawyer so you can know?

asxx21060300 (9 of 1200)
sxx21060400 (13 of 120)

June the 4th and there has been an eruption somewhere, look it up
Eruption today. What are they heating the Greenland Icecap for?

That doesn’t make any sense.

To begin to understand what they intend to accomplish, you have to imagine that they have already done it: Melted the ice in Greenland. What will that do?
Is China buying property there?
If not, who is?

asxx21060500 (17 of 120)
Always look at the UN for a distraction

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asxx21060700 (25 of 1200)
sxx21060800 (29 of 1200)

They have been busy little bodies. I doubt they had clearance from Jehovah.

I hope they have insurance.
It all seems to be concentrated on the North West of the Atlantic, absolutely nothing going on over Russia.

sxx21060900. (33 of 1200)
sxx21061000 (37 of 1200)

Would you like to see the rest of them?
I would.

Source for all the images


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