
Everything is set up right it now what scripture does Jesus claim we can forecast earthquakes? well done my dear than you(leave the demon followers’s names) in small letters to let them know what I think of them I think that bill gates….the only […]

A Web of Spirals

https://youtu.be/GdC44Pmlvao?t=824 How do you know anything? For instance: https://youtu.be/GdC44Pmlvao?t=274 How do you know millionaires are not conning you into building weapons for them, to heat the planet to rob more farmers: This is supposed to be an animation of all the 3rd June 2021 […]

Home Schooling

I was following the Youtube channel discussing their children: https://youtu.be/P6ONo0NDHFs Kids can be left behind under a stranger. The difference between having home schoolers rather than school taught children is pointed out by Jehovah god, when he was asked to assign the Hebrews a […]

The Narcissist

The silliest word I’ve never seen Is the soporific word for clean Who made it green I’d like to know but god to feed us here below? He made us shit you ignorant twit, that thinks to make no more of it When man […]