ASXX June 2021 2100 – 2318

I worked out earlier that I’m not getting a full picture, missing out 3 charts for every one I capture. With natural weather it shouldn’t make a lot of difference as weather is not diurnal. That is the geophysics is world wide, so the earthquakes and volcanic activity would show up naturally. I have not seen eruption signals in the first two weeks of the collection


In 1826 the Conway suspension bridge was the first crossing over the Conwy river. Replacing a ferry service around 20 years later the Conway railway bridge carried the Chester to Holyhead line over the river. The 1958 Conwy road bridge was designed to ease […]

ASXX July 2021

I will do the same for June unless I can find another blog site that will allow someone like me to use them. The full collection (20 of 20): The source for the gallery above:

Some Weather Bookmarks

Weather SED – Latest Earthquakes Switzerland & World Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst (SED) Latest Earthquakes in the world Latest Earthquakes in the world. World earthquake list. Earthquake information. earthquakes today – recent and latest earthquakes, earthquake map and earthquake information. Earthquake information for europe. EMSC (European […]


I wonder what really happened to the cackcines?The time to come, when all the food becomes soya and vegetable meat, is when the viruses prepared in 2021 hit. Full metal tinfoil may help but don’t count on it. It is such a coincidence that […]

Matthew 12

I am not looking for a version of the scriptures that suits me, I assure you, I am looking for a version of the scriptures that suits Jehovah. Or at least one that isn’t compromised. But in my opinion For I am opinionated rather than righteous. That is why I choose to believe that history is repeating itself today. Take en bloc the passage about malevolent people:

Systems and Acts 2

Number of the Series: 19 Now while the day of the Festival of Pentecost was in progress, they were all together at the same place. Suddenly there was a noise from heaven, just like that of a rushing, stiff breeze, and it filled the […]


How are you with bicycling systems? Can you understand how the gearing works? gearing, gears : The big wheel in the back and the small wheel in the front of what they call the “Drive” make it easier to pedal uphill . To go […]